Owners of 2Hands Studio Melissa & Jeff Moniz

If you have ever been inside the Stoneacre Brasserie, you would immediately notice it’s distinct sense of style. You can thank Melissa & Jeff Moniz for that, owners of 2Hands Studio (I also designed their logo). 2Hands is a design collaborative offering solutions for residential design and commercial interiors within Southern New England.

Here is a headshot session we did a few months ago. You can check them out in action on their website. 

Snowy Brand Building with Lauren Mailloux

When the snow falls in Rhode Island, I always use it as an opportunity take some photos. Ever since I took position as the marketing director for Libby Kirwin Real Estate, I take pride in producing original content for our website and social media. 

I asked real estate agent, Lauren Mailloux, to spend the afternoon with me around Newport, Rhode Island. We were able to capture some amazing (and goofy) imagery for the LKRE website and her personal website.

If your business needs high quality original content for your social media networks or websites, don’t hesitate to e-mail me. I work with all budgets and all ideas! 

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